Creating Your Puppy’s Daily Routine

Creating Your Daily Routine

Credit: Elena Mozhvilo

Keeping a schedule tells your new dog, regardless of their age, the boundaries of the day. It helps them learn the house rules and understand that they have a set time for their food and your attention.

Dogs respect and want that kind of safe certainty. This helps speed the process of potty training for all parties included. Whether you have had dogs all your life or this is your first puppy of your own, a rhythm will help clear up communication.

In time, both you and your dog will find the daily schedule and routine that works best for your lifestyle.

It’s important to get your dog started on their routine as soon as possible. Each point in the daily routine represents an opportunity to train them.

Like when you wake up, you go out, then come back inside for coffee and breakfast. Or the evening after you get home from work and the dog goes potty is the perfect time for snuggles. What a great way to decompress from a long day at work.

A few weeks before your new dog comes home, prepare yourself for a new schedule of your own. While your dog’s routine will ultimately depend on their needs and yours, every day it must include time for feeding, potty, walking, and play. 

Enjoy your bonding time and learning about your new pup, whether rescue or from a breeder, dogs have great personalities that come out from love and a safe environment.

Here’s a routine guideline for you to look over and consider. This will definitely help if you work outside the home or have work days vs weekend days rhythm. But don’t worry about it too much for now.

We’ll refine every step in the All Ears Petcare 6-week training program (Puppy / Basic obedience class.)

All Ears Petcare